Title: Dear Sam 19 Author: Istannor Series: TOS Part: 1/1 Rating: [PG13] Codes: Summary: Kirk discusses his shoreleave with Bones. Disclaimer: These are the characters of Paramount and Viacom, they own them, I only check 'em out from the library. I promise to bring 'em back. Feedback to Istannor @Aol.com Captain James T. Kirk USS Enterprise NCC-1701 C/O Starfleet Operations Earth Central STARFLEET DIPLOMATIC COURIER, CODED SECURE George Samuel Kirk Jr. Bioagricultural Industries, Kirk Inc Deneva Central 17 Junque St. Deneva, UFP Dear Sam, Shoreleave is over and I slept with 7 women in three days. No brag, just fact. My sperm count is probably zero now. I feel more relaxed than I was before I went down there, but I still can't break away from a mild case of the doldrums. My sex partners seemed to have enjoyed themselves. I guess that makes me happy. There was no one special, though. I asked McCoy this question. Now, I'll ask you the same thing. How does it feel to wake up with the same woman every day? Does it get old? Do you get bored? Are you happy? Is the life you and Aurelan have together enough for you? What do you and Aurelan talk about late at night? I never got to see our parents spend a lot of time together. You saw them interact far more than I did. Do you think they really loved each other? How could you tell? After you left, sometimes Mom seemed so still and sad. I tried to make her happy, but I never succeeded. I wasn't who she was waiting for. Why would Dad marry her, and then hardly ever come home? Why didn't she try to join him on his ship, or at least take us out to his sector? She was brilliant enough to have had a science position on any Starship. How did their marriage translate into love? I think Grandpa's death was the final straw for our Mother. Because, then I left for Tarsus and came back crazy. I would've given almost anything to see her happy, barring that, I'll have to content myself with never doing to another woman what our father did to our mother. You guys never wanted to call me crazy, but it was true, even after therapy. I just learned to compensate. I know I was damn near psychotic. I had seen too much, done too much to be Jimmy anymore. I've been strange ever since then. It's a wonder they let me command a ship. But, then I did demonstrate all the abilities they wanted to see in a Starship Captain: decisiveness, deadliness, strategic thinking, and leadership. I guess deciding to let a murderer go free was a small price to pay to get a Starship Captain. Do you think I will ever be able to sustain a long term relationship, or am I too driven and nuts for that? Did you know one of my nicknames is 'screw 'em and leave 'em Kirk'. I'll be just a fond memory for a lot of women. I want them to say: "Damn, Kirk was the best lay I ever had." Now, they should go get a real man and teach him what they want. At least, they'll know how good sex can be after I'm through with them. As good as I am, it's better when you're in love. Sam, sex never reaches true ecstasy anymore. Just the act used to be enough, before. But now, no matter how beautiful they are, how talented, how demonstrative, I don't love them. I never shatter into little pieces. I want to have the kind of sex that makes you want to holler and melt away. Probably too much to ask, huh? You love Aurelan; I know you do. Does that bridge the gap and make the old new again, or do you just accept boring as the norm? I should be calmer after getting laid so completely these last few days. It's flattering to have women line up for me to screw them. Don't get me wrong, I had a great time. I loved the variety. They were short, tall, thin, curvaceous, dark, gold, pale, and in between. I picked one from each column. It's just... as soon as I got back to the ship... and celibacy, it hit me. All the great sex in the world, doesn't keep my bed warm on the ship. Damn. Well, I did enjoy myself while it lasted. Life is good, and I couldn't have asked for better friends than McCoy and Spock. I'm really good at what I do. I get to explore, save lives, and do the things that need doing. I have a future and I know my purpose. That's more than a most folks can say. It can be enough. Sometimes, I want a look at the other side, but I'm a big enough coward to not crossover and stay. Hmm, that's not quite true. It isn't cowardice that keeps me single, it's women telling me no. They think they would take a back seat to the Enterprise. They're probably right, at least for now. But that wouldn't be forever. Shoot, I would've stayed on Earth to raise David, if Carol had let me. I tried to get married, twice. Got rejected... twice, three times if you count the fact that Nyota said no twice. But, you know that already. Carol and Nyota made me happy. I felt full when I was with them. We screwed until we were raw, especially Nyota and I. I was almost ready to pop the question to Nyota when she left me. I did it anyway, but it was too late by then. How's that for misreading the cues? I think I could wake up beside Nyota every morning. She's still wonderful, sexy, smart, and beautiful. Carol... well, except for David, I'm glad she said no. She didn't trust me enough to tell me she was pregnant. She was so sure I would leave one day, she threw me out before I knew she was pregnant. Just because her father was an asshole, it didn't follow that I would've been one. So what if he was Starfleet? Not everyone in the Fleet is abusive. I have never mistreated a woman in my life, at least not while I was sane and intact. The transporter incident doesn't count. He used to beat her and her mother, mercilessly, so she signed off of men for all time. If I had of known that in the first place, I would've stayed the hell away from her. Who knew she'd have a son. I've been told she's a good mother. I've begun to understand her reasons for lying about David. I know she thinks I'm dangerous to be around. I understand her reasoning, but I don't have to accept it. I've seen a lawyer about him again. They say I still can't force her to test David for paternity, and since she denies it, that's that. If he finds out eventually, do you think he will hate me and think I left him? I started a trust fund for him and he gets gifts on his birthday and Christmas from me. He just doesn't know why I do it. He thinks I'm just trying to get cozy with his mother. I know money and gifts are no substitute for parenting, Sam, but I have no other options. I have become my father. I've requested leave again in two months. I'll come to Deneva to stay with you. Maybe Mom can come out from Earth and we can have some family time together. Sam, I'm trying to live in the moment and not dwell on the future, your future. It's so hard. I write to you and I try not the think about the fact that one day you'll be gone. I have to admit that my mind goes numb. All the sex in the galaxy can't make up for having a brother as special and supportive as you've always been. We both know I would've died in the barn after Tarsus if it hadn't been for you. I still don't know what I was thinking. Sometimes, I think I was just trying to make sure I was still human. It sure was stupid going into a stall with a wild stallion. He deserved to kick the mess out of me. I remember you dragging me out, screaming at me and crying about what a damn fool I was. Did you know that your tears... for me, are what finally healed me after Tarsus? I realized if you cared enough to cry for me, I couldn't be all bad. I care enough, Sam. I just don't want to ever have to cry for you. It will hurt too much to cry and once I start, I'm afraid I'll never be able to stop. Pause Restart Sorry, I had to clear my throat. I don't think I know how to cry anymore. Does that make me inhuman? What are you going through now? How does this make you feel? Can I do anything to help? Gotta go, Spock just came in to play a game of Chess. I'm going to wipe the deck with him. He's looking at me like I'm nuts. I'll let you know how bad I whipped up on him in the next letter. Wait a minute, Spock wants to say something to you. "Greetings, Samuel. Health and Prosperity to you and yours. I will attempt to not harm your brother's ego too badly during our contest." Sam, it's me again. Who knew a Vulcan could talk trash? I love it. I hope he eats it as well as he talks it. Write soon and kiss your wife for me. Tell Peter the new Ghidorah tape is on its way. Lord knows the universe is strange enough without making up three headed monsters for kids to play with. Your son is one strange kid, just like his father. Love, Jim July 21, 1999 Page 4