Title: Doctor's Log 17 Author: Istannor Series: TOS Part:1/1 Rating: [PG] Codes: Bones curses Summary: Spock and Kirk love it when a plan comes together. Disclaimer: These are the characters of Paramount and Viacom, they own them I only check 'em out from the library. I promise to bring 'em back. Doctor's Log 17 Everything is peaceful for once, and I'm afraid to say anything to anyone and break the spell. We're out past Federation space, star mapping again. Spock has identified a few systems to go investigate. He thinks they may have class M planets, or something that can be terraformed. He and Jim are back to being shadows of each other, so all is well. As for me, well, I'm feeling a little foolish, but dammit if I ain't happy as a boy in an all girls' school. They got me back. They almost had me going after Spock was supposed to go apologize to Jim. Later the same day they walked into the Sickbay, with Jim shouting at Spock like a banshee, and Spock covering his ears. I ran over right away and asked them what the hell was going on. I never expected Jim to start screaming and hollering at Spock in public, and for the life of me I couldn't figure out how the Vulcan could screw up, "kissing somebody's ass". Spock handed me a phaser. "The Captain pointed a phaser at me." I was floored. "Jim," I squeaked. Hell yes, I admit it, I squeaked. "Did you do that?" "Yes. He had it coming, and the next time I'll do worse than that if he comes into me groveling like he did today. I will not have my First Officer on his hands and knees begging forgiveness, or offering to kiss my ass. What kind of ship is this? Do I look like somebody who wants his ass kissed? I'd rather kill him myself." "But,"... "but,..." I was speechless. I tried again. "Dammit, Jim. It was just a joke. I told him to do that to make his tight butt unwind." "Then it's your fault? You're dead meat, Bones." He yelled. I should've known something was up. Jim is never loud when he is trying to hurt someone; he's deadly quiet. Dammit, if the idiot didn't pull out a giant, pink and green, plastiform, kid's phaser, pull the trigger, and completely douse me with water. Then, he fell back against the wall and slid down to the floor, laughing so hard he was crying. Spock coughed suspiciously and turned away to supposedly help Jim off of the floor while I stood dripping water into a puddle around me. Needless to say the entire Sickbay staff was almost rolling on the ground in stitches. Funny, very frigging funny. It seems Jim had called ahead to make sure they knew it would all be in jest. Okay, so maybe I was trying to mess with Spock, a little. I did know Jim wasn't mad anymore, but I thought Spock's rigid ass needed humbling. Looks like they made up and put a plan into action faster than even I imagined possible. It was funny now that I look back on it. I hope Jim likes itching cream in his body lotion. Spock will be a little harder to do, but I'll get him. How does the sound of green dye in his beard inhibitor sound? I love this job and even wet, I'm happy. Jim is going to join me for drinks later and then he, Scotty, Uhura, Sulu, and I, are going to play some poker. Spock is going to sit and kibitz. Maybe, I'll stay out here after all. It's not so bad a place, once you get used to it. END LOG 2 2